Thai Massage

Thai massage is an ancient method of healing that has been widely practiced for centuries. While the method's origins are derived from ancient Chinese medicine, in Thailand they still call it Thai massage, as it also involves intricate and unique Thai methods.

The Chinese part of it is based on the Yin and Yang philosophy, as it is meant to strengthen the balance between body and mind. Furthermore, Thai massage is also tied to Indian origins, as it relies on Yoga based elements as well.

Health Aspects of Thai Massage

Thai massage is performed by professional masseurs who are trained and certified to practice this specific type of massage. It's done by applying pressure on sensitive spots in the patient's body, in order to relief pain, stress, and illnesses related to said pain and stress.

Thai massage improves the body's overall function as it improves blood flow, reduces blood pressure, and mitigates mental pressure as well. Thai massage also helps the patient to regain flexibility and additionally, it relaxes their muscles in the process.

Make Sure Thai Massage is Right for You

While Thai massage can significantly contribute to your physical, emotional, and mental health, there are cases in which it may not be the most advisable treatment for you. For example, if you had recently went through back or knees surgery or through an abdominal procedure, you should clear it off with your doctor first.

In any other case you are more than welcome to visit us and enjoy a rejuvenating, muscle relaxing, and uplifting experience.